
Get involved and share fellowship by attending Hope's many events!

Upcoming Events

See Below

Ash Wednesday

March 5th at 7:00 PM. in the Sanctuary.

Soup Supper

Join us for Soup Supper before our Lenten Services. Dinner begins at 5:30 PM in the Meeting Room in the Fellowship Hall. March 5, 12, 19, 26, April 2, and 9th.

Lenten Services

Services begin at 7:00 PM. in the Sanctuary.

Family Easter Saturday

Join us for Easter crafts, games and children's message.

9AM- 12PM, $5 per child, lunch included for the whole family. Bring your own hard boiled eggs to decorate.

Call the office for more information 626 335-5315

Holy Week Services

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Recurring Events

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Faith Found Youth Group

Youth group for 7th and 8th graders, led by Ellie Nguyen, meets every Wednesday 6:30-8:00 PM in the Meeting Room.  During Lent and Advent, meetings begin at the 5:30 PM soup supper.

Women's Night Out and Crafting

Join others on the fourth Wednesday of the month.   Meet in the Meeting Room in the Fellowship Hall. Recover, relax, hang out, play cards, play a game, bring a craft project to work on, or just enjoy some fellowship. All women are welcome! We meet the fourth Wednesday every month except during Advent and Lent.

Questions call

Sarah Joslen 909 376 6247

Kathy Dudley 626 378 4702

Card Ministry

February 15th (the third Saturday of every month) 10AM-12PM. 

We meet in the Meeting Room in the Fellowship Hall. You can choose kits to make a card for Hope's ministry, make other cards of your choosing for the holidays from our idea notebook, or create from your imagination. No experience or supplies are necessary.  

Questions call:

Jo Ann Frasca (909) 596-3631

Women's Bible Study

Join us every Tuesday, from 10-11:30 AM, in the Meeting Room in the Fellowship Hall.

Men's Bible Study

Men's Bible study meets every Saturday morning at 7AM in the Conference Room, in the southern office building.