I'm New Here


We're glad you're here. We believe that church isn't just a building, but a family who welcomes all people.

Common Questions

What are Services like?

The service at Hope Lutheran Church is a traditional service that includes hymns and a liturgy accompanied by organ music. Pastor Parks' sermon, which is Biblically based on the assigned scriptures for the day, will encourage and challenge you. Communion is offered most Sundays to confirmed members of Hope or confirmed members of sister LCMS congregations. The service lasts a little over an hour. You will find a relaxed and friendly environment in which everyone is welcome.

What do I wear?

Wear what makes you feel comfortable. People dress casual/dress casual.

What about my children?

Children may stay with you the whole service or join other children, ages 4-10, when they are dismissed to Sunday School after the scripture readings. The teachers will meet them at the entrance of the church and accompany the children to their classrooms.

What synod is Hope Lutheran?

We are part of there Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS).

Where do I park?

You may enter off Foothill Blvd. or Loraine. If you enter off Foothill, you may park in our west parking lot and walk through the open pedestrian gate, through the quad, and past the oak tree, to the church. You may also drive through the open gate at the end of the parking lot and turn right into the north parking lot. If you enter off Loraine, you will be in the north parking lot, which is closest to the church. There are handicapped parking spots in both lots.

Fellowship Time

Join us for coffee, treats, and fellowship after our service.

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