Sunday School

Welcome to Sunday School at Hope Lutheran! One of the best ways to deepen our understanding of God is to study His Word. Hope Lutheran offers a fun, supportive environment for the serious study of God's Word, for every age. Each study and group has a different focus, so there is something for everybody.

For the Adults: Pastor's class takes place each Sunday morning at approximately 10:35 am. We assemble together to study the Bible, spend time in prayer and rejoice in the Word. Our members feel comfortable asking questions and sharing thoughts about God's word. At certain times of the year Pastor hosts a Discovery Class. This is an opportunity to learn more about the Christian faith from a Lutheran perspective. We invite you to join us as we gather every Sunday morning in the Fellowship Hall. For  more about Bible Class and Videos CLICK HERE to  access the page now. 

Inter-Generational Sunday School:

During our 9:00 am Worship Service, the children attend the Worship Service briefly and then are dismissed to share special Bible lessons and fun taught by Marge Kiepke and staff. Special Christmas performances also take place during the holiday season.

For more information call the office at (626) 335-5315 or email at